Gladstone High School
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16233 Horrocks Highway
Gladstone SA 5473

Phone: 08 8662 2171
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Middle School News - Helen Gaunt

Term 2 has been quite busy in the middle school. There has been lots happening both in and outside of the classroom. At the start of Week 6, the Year 7 practical subjects started their new trimester, you can see some of the finished Year 7 Tech projects in the photos below. As Semester 1 draws to a close, students are very busy completing tasks and projects, ready to begin the new semester and new subjects next week. End of semester reports will be sent home on the last day of the term with your child/ren. You are encouraged to make contact with your child’s teacher/s to discuss their progress and any questions or concerns you may have.

There are many and varied opportunities for learning outside of the classroom and students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities throughout the year to broaden their experiences. At lunchtime on Wednesday and Friday each week, Michael Bennet runs Japanese Club, all students are invited to become involved. On Monday, all Year 9 students were afforded the opportunity to visit Parliament House in Adelaide as part of their HASS curriculum. Thanks to Scott Watson for his successful grant application, making this excursion a reality. The student leaders have organised a lunchtime basketball competition and all Year 7, 8 and 9 students experienced a presentation from Flinders University titled “The River Journey” to help them start thinking about their futures.

In Week 6, we hosted the Year 9 Ski Trip information night to give all our parents and students the details of the upcoming trip. Information packs were handed to all students who were unable to attend the information session. Please complete and return forms as soon as possible. You are encouraged to contact Helen Gaunt or Deb Davis if you have any questions or information you need to share about the trip.


In Terms 1 and 2, the Tech Studies class experienced the learning journey of making things out of wood. They learned about push along toys, cars, tools, and were able to practice sawing and sanding with table tennis bats that were already half made. For their assignments they made push along wooden toys. Some students made cars, utes and trucks, while some made animals and boxes on wheels. They had to be able to transport things, as well as be able to move. Once finished making the toys they had to write an evaluation about what they had done. Most enjoyed the experience of making things with wood. The first project they did, was pop stick catapult. Next, they designed something from questions they had to answer, they had to fit a certain amount of people, a type of transport (water, air, road, rail) and how many wheels it needed. They then followed design principles by following a worksheet to help them. In groups of 3 or 4 all students created powerpoints on tools and how to use them safely. The last task we did was making push along toys.

Peyton Jeffries & Sky Sargent

Digital Media

Some Year 7's testing out the new VY Headsets.